

Verdant Stone Power Consulting provides accurate reading for ground water extraction with the use of underground probes.

Ground water extraction, sometimes referred to as GWE, involves using a sub-surface vacuum to remove the underground water, which is pumped up from various depths. It cannot by type be called a separate method of pumping because it uses the same pump as if the well was a dry well.

  • Groundwater location

  • Groundwater Salinity

  • Groundwater Depth


Precision Agriculture

Through the use of UAV multispectral imagery, we will be able to pinpoint which crops need the most attention over acres of land.

Verdant Stone Power Consulting is an agricultural technology company that provides aerial multi-spectral image analysis solutions. We are focusing on the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to collect high-resolution multi-spectral imagery of crops.      Through the use of UAV multispectral imagery, we will be able to pinpoint which crops need the most attention over acres of land.

  • NDVI Analysis for crop health

GIS Mapping

Econ produces clear, concise and professional maps for any application. We can acquire a range of spatial data such as LIDAR, terrestrial ecosystem mapping, vegetation resource inventory and provide GIS analysis and modelling services to support a range of ecosystem and forest management planning. We also provide GIS data management services including the integration, organization and storage of GIS data from multiple sources.

  • Forestry Mapping
  • Overview, Inventory, WLP and FSP Maps
  • Encumbrance Analysis
  • Pre-Harvest Mapping, Harvest Plan and Road Construction Maps

Hikers looking at map. Couple navigating together during travel hike outdoors in countryside.

Our Mission

At Verdant Stone GINC. we strive to assist communities and farms in getting the most out of their natural resources.

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